Monday 9 June 2008

Chris Rock says poverty behind xenophobic attacks

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa —

Chris Rock said Monday he doesn't consider a wave of attacks on foreigners in South Africa as black-on-black violence but a problem of poverty.

"It's broke-on-broke violence. It's broke people robbing each other," the 43-year-old actor-comedian said at a news conference Monday. "That's the sad thing."

More than 60 people have been killed and nearly 100,000 foreigners forced from their homes in a wave of attacks by South Africans who accuse them of taking jobs and blame them for crime.

Rock, who has visited South Africa before, opens his "No Apologies" tour in the country this week.

He said he plans to pay a courtesy call on former President Nelson Mandela, who turns 90 on July 18.

"I wish him another 90 years," Rock said. "There is a lot of work to be done still."


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